The Chakra System
The term chakra comes from the Sanskrit term meaning spinning wheel or disc. It is used to describe the energy centers within the subtle energy field that surrounds the body. (The symbols above are the Sanskrit symbols for the chakras in the color that resonates with the balanced energy center...starting with the root, or 1st chakra on the left).
It is said that the body has hundreds of chakras. They are located in the palms, the finger tips, the soles of the feet, the tips of the toes, the joints, the sinuses, the ears as well as a number of other points on the body. It is commonly accepted in contemporary circles that there are 7 major chakras. However, even that seems to be shifting. There is a movement toward the concept of a 12 chakra system. This version includes the original 7 with the addition of the earthstar chakra which is located beneath the feet, one at the navel, the causal chakra which is located just above and toward the back of the head, the soulstar chakra which is about 6" above the crown and the stellar gateway chakra which is about 12" above the crown. The theory is that with the increased vibrations we are experiencing, the activation of these additional chakras is important in order to provide a clear connection to Source while keeping us firmly connected to Earth. At least that is one version. Another version begins with the initial 7 chakras associated within the body while adding the other 5 above the crown.
The ancient Egyptians applied sacred geometry to the chakra system. With their theory, there are 13 chakras. They are evenly spaced, using the distance between the centers of your eyes (also the distance between the tip of your nose and your chin) as the unit of measure between them. As with the other theories, the root chakra is at the base of the spine and the rest measure sequentially from that point. With one unit of measure up from the root, the 2nd, or sexual chakra is located. The next energy center is located in your navel, followed by the solarplexis. The 5th chakra is on the sternum and is the 1st heart chakra. It is within this chakra that we anchor unconditional love. One measure up on the sternum is the 2nd heart chakra. This is where we experience the love of relationships and things. The Adam's apple is the center of the 7th chakra. The tip of the chin is the 8th. The tip of the nose is the 9th. The third eye is the 10th. Just above the forehead is the 11th with the 12th being located at the crown. The 13th chakra is located one hand length above your head. It is said that this is the end of one system and the beginning of the next. If you would like to learn more about this system, Drunvalo Melchizedek does a good job of explaining it in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2.
As a part of these changing times with raising vibrations and evolving consciousness, another theory is that the chakras are being unified with the heart chakra. With the unified heart chakra, life is filtered through the heart. We live through the heart. We act and react out of love. Could this be the key to our next stage of evolution?
Though theories may disagree with the number or exact placement of the chakras, most agree that the chakras are located along the center of the body, aligned with the spine. As they spin, they behave as mini vortexes...drawing in the energy that relates to that specific area of the body. The chakras are said to actually be in the configuration of the tube torus. This video provides a good visual of how the energy flows. It is also a good example of the microcosm/macrocosm.
This is where I (Michael) would like to share a bit of personal experience. Early on, I was taught that the chakras spin counter-clockwise in women and clockwise in men...with a few exceptions. However, the more people I worked with the more I struggled with that concept. The struggle was that I was not experiencing what my highly esteemed teacher had taught me to be true. Instead, I was picking up that the chakras alternated the direction of their spin from one to the next. The part that did hold true is that the root spins counter-clockwise for females and clockwise for males...with a few exceptions. After that they alternate...much like gears meshing in a machine. While this is what I was experiencing, I still struggled because of the high regard I have for the woman I studied with. She simply could not be wrong! So, I tried to force myself to see things as I had been taught. It didn't work.
Then one day I was at Barnes and Noble for no particular reason, or so I thought. I was just there to see what I might see. Wouldn't you know? I had one of those "book falling off the shelf" moments. The book was Wheels of Life, A User's Guide To The Chakra System by Anodea Judith, PhD. Still being a bit on the dense side, I picked up the book to place it back on the shelf. Before I replaced it, I thumbed through the pages and stopped on a page that just about made my jaw drop. It was an illustration of the healthy chakra system...showing the chakras spinning in opposite directions as I had been experiencing gears meshing in a machine. Finally! Someone was corroborating what I had found to be true. Ever since then I have been working with chakras from that perspective. I am eternally grateful to Anodea Judith for her work and the way it changed mine. Click on her name above if you would like to check out her book. It truly is a user's guide.
It is said that the body has hundreds of chakras. They are located in the palms, the finger tips, the soles of the feet, the tips of the toes, the joints, the sinuses, the ears as well as a number of other points on the body. It is commonly accepted in contemporary circles that there are 7 major chakras. However, even that seems to be shifting. There is a movement toward the concept of a 12 chakra system. This version includes the original 7 with the addition of the earthstar chakra which is located beneath the feet, one at the navel, the causal chakra which is located just above and toward the back of the head, the soulstar chakra which is about 6" above the crown and the stellar gateway chakra which is about 12" above the crown. The theory is that with the increased vibrations we are experiencing, the activation of these additional chakras is important in order to provide a clear connection to Source while keeping us firmly connected to Earth. At least that is one version. Another version begins with the initial 7 chakras associated within the body while adding the other 5 above the crown.
The ancient Egyptians applied sacred geometry to the chakra system. With their theory, there are 13 chakras. They are evenly spaced, using the distance between the centers of your eyes (also the distance between the tip of your nose and your chin) as the unit of measure between them. As with the other theories, the root chakra is at the base of the spine and the rest measure sequentially from that point. With one unit of measure up from the root, the 2nd, or sexual chakra is located. The next energy center is located in your navel, followed by the solarplexis. The 5th chakra is on the sternum and is the 1st heart chakra. It is within this chakra that we anchor unconditional love. One measure up on the sternum is the 2nd heart chakra. This is where we experience the love of relationships and things. The Adam's apple is the center of the 7th chakra. The tip of the chin is the 8th. The tip of the nose is the 9th. The third eye is the 10th. Just above the forehead is the 11th with the 12th being located at the crown. The 13th chakra is located one hand length above your head. It is said that this is the end of one system and the beginning of the next. If you would like to learn more about this system, Drunvalo Melchizedek does a good job of explaining it in The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2.
As a part of these changing times with raising vibrations and evolving consciousness, another theory is that the chakras are being unified with the heart chakra. With the unified heart chakra, life is filtered through the heart. We live through the heart. We act and react out of love. Could this be the key to our next stage of evolution?
Though theories may disagree with the number or exact placement of the chakras, most agree that the chakras are located along the center of the body, aligned with the spine. As they spin, they behave as mini vortexes...drawing in the energy that relates to that specific area of the body. The chakras are said to actually be in the configuration of the tube torus. This video provides a good visual of how the energy flows. It is also a good example of the microcosm/macrocosm.
This is where I (Michael) would like to share a bit of personal experience. Early on, I was taught that the chakras spin counter-clockwise in women and clockwise in men...with a few exceptions. However, the more people I worked with the more I struggled with that concept. The struggle was that I was not experiencing what my highly esteemed teacher had taught me to be true. Instead, I was picking up that the chakras alternated the direction of their spin from one to the next. The part that did hold true is that the root spins counter-clockwise for females and clockwise for males...with a few exceptions. After that they alternate...much like gears meshing in a machine. While this is what I was experiencing, I still struggled because of the high regard I have for the woman I studied with. She simply could not be wrong! So, I tried to force myself to see things as I had been taught. It didn't work.
Then one day I was at Barnes and Noble for no particular reason, or so I thought. I was just there to see what I might see. Wouldn't you know? I had one of those "book falling off the shelf" moments. The book was Wheels of Life, A User's Guide To The Chakra System by Anodea Judith, PhD. Still being a bit on the dense side, I picked up the book to place it back on the shelf. Before I replaced it, I thumbed through the pages and stopped on a page that just about made my jaw drop. It was an illustration of the healthy chakra system...showing the chakras spinning in opposite directions as I had been experiencing gears meshing in a machine. Finally! Someone was corroborating what I had found to be true. Ever since then I have been working with chakras from that perspective. I am eternally grateful to Anodea Judith for her work and the way it changed mine. Click on her name above if you would like to check out her book. It truly is a user's guide.
Chakras...Cause and Effect
Among those that work with the subtle energy fields of the body, it is commonly accepted that it is life's dramas and traumas that lead to chakras either closing or, in some cases, opening too far. The following chart is a good reference for determining the life issues that effect the chakras and, in turn, the various parts of the body that can be effected and the ailments that may result. To study this concept further, we highly recommend reading Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D
Energy Anatomy*
*Taken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D.
Chakra Organs Mental, Emotional Issues Physical Dysfunctions
1 Physical body support, base of Physical family, group safety and security, Chronic lower back pain, sciatica,
spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, ability to provide for life's necessities, ability varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer,
immune system to stand up for self, feeling at home, social depression, immune related
and familial law and order disorders
2 Sexual organs, large intestine, Blame and guilt, money and sex, power Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn lower vertebrae, pelvis,
appendix, and control, creativity, ethics and honor in problems, pelvic/lower back pain, sexual
bladder, hip area relationships potency, urinary problems
3 Abdomen, stomach, upper Trust, fear and intimidation, self-esteem, Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/
intestines, liver gall bladder self-confidence and self-respect, care of intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes,
kidney, pancreas, adrenal oneself and others, responsibility for anorexia or bulimia, liver dysfunction,
glands, spleen, middle spine making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, hepatitis, adrenal dysfunction
personal honor
4 Heart and circulatory system, Love and hatred, resentment and bitterness, Congestive heart failure, myocardial
lungs, shoulders and arms, ribs/ grief and anger, self-centeredness, loneliness infarction (heart attack), mitral valve
breasts, diaphragm, thymus and commitment, forgiveness, compassion, prolapse, cardiomegaly, asthma/allergy,
gland hope and trust lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, upper back and shoulder, breast cancer
5 Throat, thyroid, trachea, neck Choice and strength of will, personal Raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth
vertebrae, mouth, teeth and gums, expression, following one's dream, using ulcers, gum difficulties, temporomandibular
esophagus, parathyroid, personal power to create, addiction, joint problems, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen
hypothalamus judgement, and criticism, faith and glands, thyroid problems
knowledge, capacity to make decisions
6 Brain, nervous system, eyes, Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, Brain tumor/hemorrhage/stroke, neuro- ears, nose, pineal gland, feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas logical disturbances, blindness/deafness, pituitary gland of others, ability to learn from experience, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities,
emotional intelligence seizures
7 Muscular system, skeletal Ability to trust life, values, ethics and Energetic disorders, mystical depression,
system, skin courage, humanitarianism, selfishness, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to a
ability to see the larger picture, faith and physical disorder, extreme sensitivity to inspiration, spirituality and devotion light, sound and other environmental
Energy Anatomy*
*Taken from Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss, PH.D.
Chakra Organs Mental, Emotional Issues Physical Dysfunctions
1 Physical body support, base of Physical family, group safety and security, Chronic lower back pain, sciatica,
spine, legs, bones, feet, rectum, ability to provide for life's necessities, ability varicose veins, rectal tumors/cancer,
immune system to stand up for self, feeling at home, social depression, immune related
and familial law and order disorders
2 Sexual organs, large intestine, Blame and guilt, money and sex, power Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn lower vertebrae, pelvis,
appendix, and control, creativity, ethics and honor in problems, pelvic/lower back pain, sexual
bladder, hip area relationships potency, urinary problems
3 Abdomen, stomach, upper Trust, fear and intimidation, self-esteem, Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/
intestines, liver gall bladder self-confidence and self-respect, care of intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes,
kidney, pancreas, adrenal oneself and others, responsibility for anorexia or bulimia, liver dysfunction,
glands, spleen, middle spine making decisions, sensitivity to criticism, hepatitis, adrenal dysfunction
personal honor
4 Heart and circulatory system, Love and hatred, resentment and bitterness, Congestive heart failure, myocardial
lungs, shoulders and arms, ribs/ grief and anger, self-centeredness, loneliness infarction (heart attack), mitral valve
breasts, diaphragm, thymus and commitment, forgiveness, compassion, prolapse, cardiomegaly, asthma/allergy,
gland hope and trust lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, upper back and shoulder, breast cancer
5 Throat, thyroid, trachea, neck Choice and strength of will, personal Raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth
vertebrae, mouth, teeth and gums, expression, following one's dream, using ulcers, gum difficulties, temporomandibular
esophagus, parathyroid, personal power to create, addiction, joint problems, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen
hypothalamus judgement, and criticism, faith and glands, thyroid problems
knowledge, capacity to make decisions
6 Brain, nervous system, eyes, Self-evaluation, truth, intellectual abilities, Brain tumor/hemorrhage/stroke, neuro- ears, nose, pineal gland, feelings of adequacy, openness to the ideas logical disturbances, blindness/deafness, pituitary gland of others, ability to learn from experience, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities,
emotional intelligence seizures
7 Muscular system, skeletal Ability to trust life, values, ethics and Energetic disorders, mystical depression,
system, skin courage, humanitarianism, selfishness, chronic exhaustion that is not linked to a
ability to see the larger picture, faith and physical disorder, extreme sensitivity to inspiration, spirituality and devotion light, sound and other environmental
Chakra Balancing
The idea behind balancing the chakras is to have them all spinning and open at the same level. There is no "one size fits all" approach to balancing the chakras. Each individual has a level that is to their highest and best good at any given time. Whether it is a matter of encouraging an energy center to open to its desired level, or to coax an over active chakra down to the level that is in Divine alignment with the rest of the chakras. It is that optimum level we strive to achieve in a balancing session. With your chakras open and balanced, your overall energy simply seems to flow more freely. You feel lighter. You handle stress much better. Your immune system is supported and in turn, you are much better equipped to fend off illness. Open and balanced chakras are healthy chakras. As you can see, healthy chakras lead to a healthier you.
We compiled the following chart using information from a variety of sources. While there are many techniques and many modalities useful for balancing the chakras, the allies listed below have proven to be most beneficial. Check this site out to learn more about chakras and balancing them. We're also available for chakra balancing sessions or if you have any related questions. Just use the contact boxes on the home page to reach us.
Chakra Balancing with Sound, Scent, Color, Minerals and Angelic Assistance
Chakra Musical Essential Color in Stone for Color for Stone for Ray/ Archangel/ Strongest Geographic
Note Oil Balance Balance Over-driven Over-driven Color Archeia Day Location
Earthstar B Frankincense Black Obsidian Gold Pyrite n/a n/a n/a n/a
Root C Cedar Red Red Jasper Green Aventurine 4th/ Gabriel/ Friday Mt Shasta
White Hope
Sacral D Gardenia Orange Carnelian Indigo Lapis 7th/ Zadkiel/ Saturday Cuba
Lazuli Violet Amethyst
Solarplexis E Carnation Yellow Citrine Violet Amethyst 6th/ Uriel/ Thursday Tatra Mts.
Ruby Aurora Cracow, Plnd
Heart F Jasmine Green Aventurine Pink Rose 3rd/ Chamuel/ Monday St. Louis
Quartz Pink Charity
Throat G Geranium Blue Blue Lace Orange Carnelian 1st/ Michael/ Tuesday Banff/Lake
Agate Blue Faith Louise
Third Eye A Patchouli Indigo Lapis Peach Carnelian 5th/ Raphael/ Wednesday Fatima, Prtgl
Lazuli Green Mary
Crown B Lavender Violet Amethyst Orange Carnelian 2nd/ Jophiel/ Sunday Great Wall/
Gold Christine Lanchow, China
Soulstar C Angelica White Clear Quartz Gold Citrine n/a n/a n/a n/a
We compiled the following chart using information from a variety of sources. While there are many techniques and many modalities useful for balancing the chakras, the allies listed below have proven to be most beneficial. Check this site out to learn more about chakras and balancing them. We're also available for chakra balancing sessions or if you have any related questions. Just use the contact boxes on the home page to reach us.
Chakra Balancing with Sound, Scent, Color, Minerals and Angelic Assistance
Chakra Musical Essential Color in Stone for Color for Stone for Ray/ Archangel/ Strongest Geographic
Note Oil Balance Balance Over-driven Over-driven Color Archeia Day Location
Earthstar B Frankincense Black Obsidian Gold Pyrite n/a n/a n/a n/a
Root C Cedar Red Red Jasper Green Aventurine 4th/ Gabriel/ Friday Mt Shasta
White Hope
Sacral D Gardenia Orange Carnelian Indigo Lapis 7th/ Zadkiel/ Saturday Cuba
Lazuli Violet Amethyst
Solarplexis E Carnation Yellow Citrine Violet Amethyst 6th/ Uriel/ Thursday Tatra Mts.
Ruby Aurora Cracow, Plnd
Heart F Jasmine Green Aventurine Pink Rose 3rd/ Chamuel/ Monday St. Louis
Quartz Pink Charity
Throat G Geranium Blue Blue Lace Orange Carnelian 1st/ Michael/ Tuesday Banff/Lake
Agate Blue Faith Louise
Third Eye A Patchouli Indigo Lapis Peach Carnelian 5th/ Raphael/ Wednesday Fatima, Prtgl
Lazuli Green Mary
Crown B Lavender Violet Amethyst Orange Carnelian 2nd/ Jophiel/ Sunday Great Wall/
Gold Christine Lanchow, China
Soulstar C Angelica White Clear Quartz Gold Citrine n/a n/a n/a n/a